» professional panorama photography «
On the following pages you will find more than 300 interactive panoramas. A large proportion of them are spherical panoramas, the perfect way to represent a room. The viewer is in the center and moves the space around him. There are also 360-degree panoramas and classical panoramic images with resolutions down to gigapixels.
inverted spherical panorama
an example from »specials«
With a panoramic image on your website, you achieve a significantly longer page viewing time. This gives you the ability to attract your customers' emotions. A crucial role is played by the quality of the panorama. Present yourself professionally, and your customer will be convinced of your product.
The project examples show a variety of different areas in which I successfully used panoramic images. Among the "Specials" you'll find a variety of unusual panoramic formats and a few specific images.
To request a panoramic image, simply send me an email.
I hope you enjoy watching!
Heiner Sträßer, February 2012

The Eski Cami-i (= old Mosque) in Özlüce (the old name is Syllata) had been built in 1849 as a Greek church and 1935, after the Turkish-Greek peoples exchange, it became a mosque. Like the Meryem Ana church in Nevşehir, this one has a turnable "pillar" next to the entrance too.
detail images