» professional panorama photography «
On the following pages you will find more than 300 interactive panoramas. A large proportion of them are spherical panoramas, the perfect way to represent a room. The viewer is in the center and moves the space around him. There are also 360-degree panoramas and classical panoramic images with resolutions down to gigapixels.
inverted spherical panorama
an example from »specials«
With a panoramic image on your website, you achieve a significantly longer page viewing time. This gives you the ability to attract your customers' emotions. A crucial role is played by the quality of the panorama. Present yourself professionally, and your customer will be convinced of your product.
The project examples show a variety of different areas in which I successfully used panoramic images. Among the "Specials" you'll find a variety of unusual panoramic formats and a few specific images.
To request a panoramic image, simply send me an email.
I hope you enjoy watching!
Heiner Sträßer, February 2012
On the occasion of Havana's 500th birthday on November 16, 2019, the Plaza Vieja was also restored. The square was already laid out in the 16th century and developed especially in the 17th century, when it was surrounded by representative colonial villas. The fountain in the centre is an exact copy of a fountain demolished in 1932, whose fence was removed for the 500 year celebration.